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Taking it up a notch

with Roc’s NXT Level Collective

On a mission to build a community where women support women, The NXT Level Collective shares tips for succeeding in business and life during the busy fall season.

As summer comes to a close and the crisp autumn air surrounds us, we crave a reset. Taking inventory of our goals and passions seems to come naturally with the change of seasons, especially as kids go back to school and schedules and routines shift to something more predictable. Structure and consistency are within reach and we settle into the new norm that this season has in store. This reset is a perfect time to take inventory of where we are and more importantly where we want to go in the months and year ahead.

Whether part of a large company or working on your own, many of the same challenges apply. Often, we as women feel like we are the only ones facing a particular career change or business challenge. However, we are not alone. There are many who have come before us or that walk alongside us who have faced similar challenges or have ideas on how to get to the next level. Surrounding yourself with positive, likeminded people year-round can positively impact you personally and professionally – no matter the season you are in.

Interior designer and entrepreneur Aubre Fox is no stranger to this type of support. As the founder of The NXT Level Collective, a personal and professional development community of women, she is on a mission to bring women together to support one another and succeed. The NXT Level Collective, formerly Roc Girl Bosses, rebranded and relaunched earlier this year and currently has over 30 members. Different from a typical networking group, this group of powerful women empower each other and provide resources so one another can succeed. Many of its members are entrepreneurs, sole proprietors, freelancers, makers, and moms looking to level up – regardless of the stage they’re in. The group strives to create authentic relationships to share solutions and ideas and help each other grow.

Instead of a competitive landscape, the women at The NXT Level Collective are genuinely invested in each other’s success. When it comes to advice Aubre offers women looking to support one another and succeed in business and life, she shares these tips:

Create a 90-Day Plan

Fall serves as a really nice time for a reset. Picture where you want to be by the end of the year. Think about what you could master or accomplish between October and December and how important that is to your overall success.

Keep in mind that the ‘to do’ list will never go away. It just changes and more gets put on it. Using the word “intention” instead of “goal” reframes it into something you actually want to do. Setting an intention of what you want to accomplish and breaking a big goal into baby steps can be very beneficial. From there, you can see where you need support.

The biggest mistake we make is feeling like we need to do it all by ourselves. Write down what you need to do and see how you can lighten the load by pulling others in to help in areas that may not be your strengths. Leverage a group or friend to help hold you accountable and discuss challenges along the way.

One of the most common pitfalls of small business owners is having goals but not creating a strategy to achieve them. The NXT Level Collective in-house business coach and founder of CORE Leadership, Maria Kast, offers a quarterly workshop-style course in which she guides you through her 90-day Next Level Strategy to help gain traction toward your goals.

Make Connections

Look to see who you can make connections with. Rochester is full of people willing to help and lend a hand. We are a large city with a small-town feel. Many local women identify with the city and want to see it grow and flourish. Supporting each other and the local economy the best we can is one way we can positively impact the area.

Find ways to connect with others and be purposeful about it. Whether it’s finding people in your industry or just people you admire that you feel you could learn something from, connect with them and have a conversation. Be intentional about who you connect with and build authentic relationships.

One of the best things about Rochester is that we are a community of creative people building our own futures. So many people follow their passions, and that’s incredible to watch.

Put Yourself Out There + Try New Things

Get out of your head and get out there. I’ve met fabulous people from doing this. If you aren’t comfortable, surround yourself with people who are and have them help introduce you. Seek other women who are supportive and will recommend you as they hear of relevant opportunities.

So many positive things are happening. Seek out events to meet new people or experience new things. It will broaden your perspective and maybe even make a new connection for you and your business. It could be something related to your industry, your community, or even a non-profit you feel passionate about.


Each member of The NXT Level Collective has an incredible story of their own.

Their website and social media are full of these powerful women and inspiring stories.

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